A letter from Mother Cabrini dated May, 1895
“Our beloved Jesus promised us His Holy Spirit. Yet we know that the divine promises are fulfilled through prayer and the sublime exercise of charity and union.
“This excellent virtue of prayer, while it signifies the union and charity we necessarily must have among ourselves… signifies still another unity each one must have within herself. As our Lord said, prayer will be heard when two agree on it, that is the exterior self in agreement with the interior self, the body and soul integrated. Both must be in accord with a third, called spirit, so that in prayer the body with its feelings and the soul with its imagination, memory, intellect and will are gathered and united together. Christ will then be in the midst of these united in His name to help them to pray effectively. But whoever is divided, that is, with the body in the prayer position, the soul disordered, and the spirit wandering about in a thousand vain, useless and anxious thoughts, can never claim to have truly prayed…
“Do we need the novena to the Holy Spirit? If the Blessed Virgin, the Apostles, and other disciples made it by order of Jesus Himself, imagine how necessary it is for us to make it if we also yearn for it to renew in us that same fervent and generous spirit that animated the first Christians.”
The novena to the Holy Spirit begins Friday, May 14. You can sign up at PrayMoreNovenas.com to have the novena emailed to you each day.